Tag: Brutalio

Brutal.io New Update: Red Flail!

So I played brutal.io recently, and I saw the new update: “Red Flail.” At first I didn’t understand what it meant, but then I played and I understood.

You know how there are red areas on the map that have red lines going across it, and when you touch it, it says you’ve been electrocuted? The flail is the same way. If you hit someone’s flail with your electrical flail, their flail shrinks, and yours grows larger!

Red Sentinel: So, you know the zone at the center of the map with the black hole? Well, one other thing I haven’t talked about is the red sentinel that eats cars. It looks like the green sentinels that you can eat, but it eats you!

How to get the Red Flail: After a black hole finishes, you can get the red flail at the center, so when you get out of the zone in the middle of the map, you get the red flail.

So, this is how you get the brand new red flail. This is a great weapon to have.


Brutal.io and Puble.io

Brutal and puble.io are very similar, so I’m going to talk about both.

Brutal.io is a game where you have a car, and you have a big saw circle thing, called a flail, attached to you.

Objective: To swing your flail at enemy cars to gain points and a larger flail.

There is one danger zone at the center of the map, but you get the most food from there. It is a box, where flails aren’t allowed inside, and there is a circle in the middle of the box. When the hole isn’t sucking everything up, stand on it to gain major points.

Puble.io is similar, except your car is on the inside of your circle.

Objective: To grab enemy cars with your hook to gain points and a larger circle.

Both games’ controls are to follow the mouse. Good luck on grabbing and smashing!